The VTT will be Fantasy Grounds II so click on the link ( <-- back there) and download the software.
- Once on the Fantasy Grounds II <-- another link to the site if you missed the one up there ^
click on DOWNLOADS <-- or just click there. - On the DOWNLOADS page you will see an Installer section, click on the Download now: All licenses (50 MB) option.
- Once the program has finished downloading, install it. Don't bother with licenses that's already taken care of on my end.
- Once it's installed you can launch it from the short cut Fantasy Grounds on your computer.
- Click the Join Game button.
- Pick a username (like your name) and type in huge zone dead idol for the Host Address.
- If the campaign is up (yeah it only works if I have the program running on my end) it will ask you for a password. Message me for that little bit of info.
In order to make your characters that you will be using you can also download a program called PCGen. This is a program that will allow you to create your characters in a format that Fantasy Grounds II can understand.
- Go to the PCGen site ( <-- yep click the link over there) and then select Get PCGen <-- or just click there.
- Go to 1. Download Latest Stable Release of PCGen and click the Download PCGen 6.00.1 for Windows.
- Once it finishes downloading, install it.
- Once it finishes installing (this all starting to sound familiar???) go ahead and launch it from the short cut "PCGen601" on your computer.
- You will be prompted to choose the Source Info (which rule sets and supplements to use in making your character), pick Pathfinder RPG for Players - Advanced.
- Make a character!!!
We will also be using a program to do VoiP (Voice Over IP (Internet Protocal)) (<--cascading, it's a geek term ingore) so that we can all talk to each other during the game and if anyone needs help setting things up. The VoiP program of choice is Dolby Axon. It's free and works well.
- Goto the Dolby Axon site (<-- you guessed it click the link over there).
- Click the Download link (<-- I'm so nice I put it right over there for you).
- If it doesn't start downloading automatically select Windows
- Also fill in the info in /SIGN UP to create your account you will use to log into chat.
- Once it finishes downloading, install it.
- Once it finishes installing (I think I'm repeating myself) go ahead and launch it from the short cut Dolby Axon and login in with the info you used when you singed up.
- Once you get to this point you will need let me know your username and I can add you to the list (it's a super secret list, you should feel special) and you will be able to chat with everyone.
Ok so here are the links to the 3 programs you will need just incase it wasn't clear up there ^.